Lavatory and Water Trucks

TLD’s range of driveable lavatory and water service vehicles features the unique front-mounted operator station for an easy and safe approach to the aircraft.


Lavatory Service Vehicle

The LTM-900 Aircraft Lavatory Servicing Vehicle is designed to provide airlines and the airport servicing industry, with an all stainless-steel unit for servicing aircraft lavatory systems. It is compatible with all present and known new generation aircraft. The V-series features a vacuum pump which facilitates waste removal from aircraft.

Improved design features simplifies aircraft servicing, provides economical operation, reduces flight delays, cuts maintenance costs and minimizes risks of an environmental hazard. The totally enclosed self-contained module is suitable for mounting on a standard cab type chassis, it provides a compact, low profile unit for driving under both narrow and wide-body aircraft.

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Mounted on a commercial chassis

Well-proven robust operator basket

Local factory-trained support available


Waste Tank Capacity : 2250L
Disinfectant : 1050L
Flow : 120L/min

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