
Experts in developing mobile and stationary loading non-slip sand for freight trains.

The problem of rail slipping is eliminated by increasing the coefficient of friction between the wheel and rail, for which sand is used. This sand is projected in front of the wheels in the direction of travel only at specific times for example when trains, trams or locomotives start or brake. 

Nwetek has been manufacturing, assembling and maintaining facilities for this purpose since 1987. These comprise a Silo to store the sand that arrives by tanker or Big- bags of ~1,000 Kg. A pneumatic conveyor sends the sand to the pumps which load the sand boxes located in the driving bogies of the vehicle, a facility similar to that of a petrol station.

Newtek offer an extensive series of stationary and mobile sand pumps to suit the needs and conditions for any railway operation. Filling is made with a movable arm supporting the filling hose and the nozzle that adapts to the sandbox inlet. The nozzle has a special valve on the outlet, meaning that when filling is completed, there is no loss of sand to pollute the environment.
